Usage Note 50187: How to locate the SAS® Enterprise Case Management log file
SAS Enterprise Case Management typically writes a log file at one of the following locations:
If you do not see a file in either of those directories with a name that starts "SASEntCaseManagement", go to the following directory:
Look in the file SASEntCaseManagement-log4j.xml. You should see a section similar to the following:
<appender class="org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender" name="SAS_FILE">
<param name="datePattern" value="'.'yyyy-MM-dd" />
<param name="append" value="true" />
<param name="file" value="D\:\\SAS\\Config\\Lev1\\Temp\\casemgmtmid\\SASEntCaseManagement3.2.log" />
<layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
<param name="ConversionPattern" value="SASEntCaseManagement %d{ddMMMyy HH:mm:ss} %-5p %c %x - %m%n" />
The value of the "file" parameter points to the location and name of the SAS Enterprise Case Management log file.
Operating System and Release Information
SAS System | SAS Enterprise Case Management | Microsoft® Windows® for x64 | 3.2 | 6.1 | | 9.4 TS1M0 |
Microsoft Windows 8 Ent | 3.2 | 6.1 | | 9.4 TS1M0 |
Microsoft Windows 8 Pro | 3.2 | 6.1 | | 9.4 TS1M0 |
Microsoft Windows 95/98 | 3.2 | | | |
Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server | 3.2 | | | |
Microsoft Windows 2000 Datacenter Server | 3.2 | | | |
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server | 3.2 | | | |
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional | 3.2 | | | |
Microsoft Windows NT Workstation | 3.2 | | | |
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter Edition | 3.2 | | | |
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition | 3.2 | | | |
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition | 3.2 | | | |
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 for x64 | 3.2 | | | |
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 | 3.2 | | | |
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64 | 3.2 | 6.1 | | 9.4 TS1M0 |
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 for x64 | 3.2 | 6.1 | | 9.4 TS1M0 |
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Datacenter | 3.2 | 6.1 | | 9.4 TS1M0 |
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Std | 3.2 | 6.1 | | 9.4 TS1M0 |
Microsoft Windows XP Professional | 3.2 | | | |
Windows 7 Enterprise 32 bit | 3.2 | | | |
Windows 7 Enterprise x64 | 3.2 | 6.1 | | 9.4 TS1M0 |
Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit | 3.2 | | | |
Windows 7 Home Premium x64 | 3.2 | | | |
Windows 7 Professional 32 bit | 3.2 | | | |
Windows 7 Professional x64 | 3.2 | 6.1 | | 9.4 TS1M0 |
Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit | 3.2 | | | |
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 | 3.2 | | | |
Windows Millennium Edition (Me) | 3.2 | | | |
Windows Vista | 3.2 | | | |
Windows Vista for x64 | 3.2 | | | |
64-bit Enabled AIX | 3.2 | 6.1 | | 9.4 TS1M0 |
64-bit Enabled Solaris | 3.2 | 6.1 | | 9.4 TS1M0 |
HP-UX IPF | 3.2 | 6.1 | | 9.4 TS1M0 |
Linux for x64 | 3.2 | 6.1 | | 9.4 TS1M0 |
Solaris for x64 | 3.2 | 6.1 | | 9.4 TS1M0 |
For software releases that are not yet generally available, the Fixed
Release is the software release in which the problem is planned to be
Date Modified: | 2013-06-13 16:29:22 |
Date Created: | 2013-06-13 15:55:59 |